Exercise 13: Programmer and Computer


  1. Open XD.
  2. Create an artboard that is 1000 x 1000 px.
  3. Create a square that is 473 x 473 px. Fill it in with #31CFFF. Make sure to remove the border.
  4. Place that square on coordinates: X=264 and Y=281.
  5. Create 2 rectangles that are 121w x 94h. Fill shapes in with #31CFFF.
  6. Place one rectangle to align exactly to the top left and right corner of the square. Left rectangle coordinates should be: X=264 and Y=188; and right rectangle coordinates: X=616 and Y=188. Make sure to remove the border.
  7. Create 2 circles that are 63 x 63. Fill shapes in black and remove border.
  8. Place one circle on coordinates: X= 366 and Y=574.
  9. Place the other circle on coordinates: X=571 and Y=574.
  10. Create a rectangle that is 372w x 10h. Fill in black and remove border.
  11. Align the rectangle under the two circles at coordinates: X=314 and Y=671.
  12. Create two small rectangles with dimensions: 55w x 31h and remove border.
  13. Place one rectangle at coordinates: X=393 and Y=681.
  14. Place the other rectangle at coordinates: X=552 and Y=681.
  15. Next create two rectangles at 108w x 15h. Fill in black and remove borders.
  16. Align each rectangle above each circle. One rectangle at position: X=342 by Y=525, the other rectangle at: X=550 by Y=525.
  17. Export artboard as a png. Save file name as e13.
  18. Email image to achuah@masonlive.gmu.edu.



Drawing 1


Drawing 2
